Abstract Submission


The Organizing Committee of the 12th World Congress of World Institute of Pain (WIP) is pleased that you wish to present your work at the Congress as a Poster or as an Oral Presentation. In both cases you will need to submit an Abstract describing the work. This will be vetted by the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) and if accepted, will be listed in the Scientific Program of the Congress and published in WIP's journal Pain Practice.

You can still submit your poster abstract until 30.09.2023. Please see the table on the bottom of this page for details.


 Please read the following guidelines before submitting your abstract:


  • Abstracts, for Poster and Oral Presentations, must be written in English.
  • Abstracts must be submitted online through the abstract submission system. Abstracts sent via e-mail will not be processed.
  • Abstracts must describe original work of the authors. However, there is no objection to presentation of work that has been published, or presented at another meeting, before the Congress.
  • There is no limit to the number of Abstracts that a single author may appear on as an author, but an individual cannot be the presenting author on more than 3 Abstracts.
  • Please do NOT submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
  • Avoid using non-standard acronyms and abbreviations in your Abstract(s) and spell out each one in full when it first appears.
  • The submitting and presenting authors are required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the Abstract before the submission.
  • It is the authors' responsibility to submit an accurate Abstract. Please check the final version with the system's Preview Function before submission and edit as necessary. Any errors in spelling, grammar, author order, or scientific content will be reproduced as submitted.

Accepted Abstracts of both types will be published in a Supplement issue of WIP’s journal Pain Practice. By submitting an Abstract, the authors consent to giving the World Institute of Pain and the Organizing and Scientific Committees of the Congress formal permission to publish their Abstract(s) in the Scientific Program and in Pain Practice.


STEP 1- Presentation Options

  • Topic/Sub-Topic: A main topic that is relevant for your abstract must be selected during Step 1 of the submission process. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the topic chosen by the submitting author during the Abstract review process. The topics for 12th World Congress of World Institute of Pain are listed on the Congress website. Please CLICK HERE to review the topics before proceeding with the submission process.
  • Presentation type: Please choose one of the following:
    - Poster presentation (Posters will be hung in a central location for viewing during a full day during coffee and lunch breaks)
    - Oral presentation (relatively few slots are available, for costs CLICK HERE). Oral presentations are limited to 10 min with an additional 3 minutes for questions & answers. 

STEP 2 - Institution Information

  • The institution(s) of the authors should be indicated fully, including the “Department” and “Institution” names. Please avoid using abbreviations such as Dept., Univ., Inst., Hosp., etc. Spell out the authors’ affiliation in full.
  • The initial letter of each word in Department and Institution details, including City and Country, should be written in CAPITALS with lower-case letters used for the rest of the word.
  • Enter each affiliation only once. Thus, if there are 5 authors, 3 of whom have the same affiliation and 2 have a different affiliation, please enter institutions only twice, NOT 5 times. However, if different authors at a given institution belong to different Departments, their affiliations should be entered separately.
  • If any of the authors have more than one affiliation, enter all his/her affiliations combined. For example, if there are 5 authors, 2 from Institution A, 2 from Institution B, and one from both, you should enter 3 affiliations rather than 5 or 2.
  • Please be sure to include City, State or Province (if applicable) and Country information for each institution. For America, please enter “USA” or “United States” after the state name or its abbreviation. For Great Britain, please enter “United Kingdom” or “UK”.

STEP 3 - Author Information

  • Please enter first, middle (if any) and last names of all authors correctly and in the intended order. Pay attention to match the authors’ institutions from the dropdown menu to the right.
  • Make sure to indicate the “presenting author” correctly.

STEP 4 - Presenting Author Information

  • It is essential that you to enter the e-mail address of presenting author correctly as all communication regarding the abstract and its scheduling will be addressed to him/her by the Congress Organizing Secretariat.
  • If the presenting author cancels his/her registration at any time, the abstract will be withdrawn from the scientific program and will not be published in Pain Practice. Another author of the abstract who is registered may take over responsibility for the abstract as presenting author. Please alert Emre Kose ([email protected]), Scientific Coordinator, if this change is requested.


STEP 5 - Abstract Title

  • An Abstract must have a short, specific title typed in CAPITALS. Please keep the title to a maximum of 150 characters (including spaces) that indicates the nature of the investigation.
  • Please avoid using uncommon abbreviations in the title. Common abbreviations such as CNS or DRG are acceptable.
  • Titles should not be written with all CAPITALS. Click here to see the sample abstract.
  • If compounds are named in the title use the generic chemical name, not the commercial name, using lower case letters. Commercial names can be used in the text of the abstract, using the symbol “®” (e.g. generic name or commercial name ®).

STEP 6 – Abstract text

  • Abstracts should not exceed 250 words (not counting the title, author names and affiliations, and keywords. Keywords are entered into the submission template separately.  
  • Abstracts should include each of the following 5 headers followed by corresponding text:
    • Objectives: Clearly state the aims of the study.
    • Methods: Name experimental subjects/objects used (human, animal, cells in culture etc.) and the key methods.
    • Results:  Present the key results that support conclusions, in a logical sequence.
    • Conclusions:  State your study’s conclusions emphasizing new and important aspects. Caveats and uncertainties can be included if desired.  
    • Funding sources:  Mention briefly funding sources. Details such as grant number(s) are not required.
  • Do not include the names or other identifying information of patients or any other human participants in the study or trial.
  • Phrases such as “results will be discussed”, “data will be presented”, or “…reported for the first time” should not be used.
  • Avoid use of special characters (e.g., non-English letters) that are not provided on the abstract upload system. Such special characters may not be displayed correctly in the publications due to incompatible coding systems.

STEP 7 – Keywords

  • List 3-10 keywords specific to your abstract that will aid in digital searches for you abstract. These should be entered into the section dedicated to keywords in the abstract upload template and NOT as a section header in the abstract text itself.
  • Keywords should be written in lower case and separated by a comma (,). Do NOT use commas for anything else in the keywords section.

STEP 8 - Additional Files

  • Images, tables, diagrams, and graphs CANNOT be uploaded into the online abstract template.

STEP 9 - Preview & Check

  • The submitting author(s) is requested to preview the uploaded abstract at this step and confirm its accuracy.

STEP 10 - Submit

  • If you have not completed all required sections of your Abstract, you won’t see the submission button. Only after completion of ALL required fields will the submission button be enabled.


  • When the submission process is finalized, you will see your Abstract under the heading "Submitted Abstracts". If your abstract is not there, please recheck the steps of your submission. Be aware that the Scientific Program Committee will not receive or review Abstracts that are not labelled by the upload system as "Submitted Abstracts". If you need assistance with the upload process, please contact the Congress Organizing Secretariat at [email protected]
  • Upon successful submission of your Abstract an e-mail including your "Abstract Number" and "Abstract Title" will be sent to the submitting author. Please be sure to save your username and password for future use.
  • You can make edits on your Abstract(s) any time before delivery to the Scientific Program Committee. After that, no further edits will be accepted by the system even if there is still time before the final submission deadline. If edits are essential at this stage, please contact with the Congress Organizing Secretariat at [email protected]


  • Abstracts submitted will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee (SPC). A notification letter indicating acceptance or rejection of your abstract(s) will be sent to the presenting author by email within about 2-3 weeks after submission. Abstracts that are considered by the SPC to be difficult to understand because of poor English, unacceptable formatting, or other causes will be returned to the presenting author for revision and resubmission.


The presenting author(s) for all abstracts must be registered and matching abstract fee must be paid before submitting an abstract. Please see below dates and fees:

Abstract Submission Date

Oral Abstract Fee

Poster Abstract Fee

Before 1.9.2023

Free of charge

Free of charge

Between 1.9.2023 - 30.09.2023

Submission not allowed

Free of charge

After 30.09.2023

Submission not allowed

Submission not allowed

Abstracts will be removed from the Scientific Program and will not be published in Pain Practice if no registration and abstract fee payment have been made for presenting author(s).

If the presenting author cancels his/her registration at any time, the abstract will be withdrawn from the Scientific Program and will not be published in Pain Practice. Another author of the abstract who is registered may take over responsibility for the abstract as presenting author. Please alert Emre Kose ([email protected]), Scientific Coordinator, if this change is requested.


Thank you for submitting your work for consideration. Please contact us directly at [email protected] should you have any specific inquiries.



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Congress Organizing Secretariat

Kenes Group, Office: Kenes M+