Serdar Erdine
Istanbul Pain Center, Turkey
Prof. Serdar Erdine MD, FIPP
(Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice)
Date of Birth: 19.10.1954
Nationality: Turkish
Personal Address: Istanbul Pain Center, Çamlık Caddesi No:31, 3. Levent, 34330, Istanbul, Turkey
- 1965-1972, High School: Kadıköy Maarif College (Education all in english)
- 1972-1978 - Graduated from Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty of Istanbul University in 1978
- 1978-1982 Residency:Completed residency Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation of Medical Faculty of Istanbul, Istanbul University in 1982
- 1986 ;Associate Professor in Anesthesiology
- 1991: Professor of Anesthesiology
- 1990-2011 Professor and Founder and Chairman of Department of Algology(Pain Medicine)
- 2012: Specialist in Algology (Pain Medicine)
-2000 Chair of Istanbul Pain Center,since 2000
Activities - Membership
- Founder and President of Turkish Society of Algology 1993-2015
- Founder and Former President of Turkish Society of Regional Anesthesia 1993-1995,1998-2003
- Former Turkish Representative in European Society of Regional Anesthesia 1993-2001
- Former Member of the executive Board of Neuromodulation Society 1995-2000
- Treasurer of EFIC/European Federation of IASP Chapters , 1996-1999
- Honorary Secretary of EFIC, 1999-2002
- President Elect of EFIC, 2002-2005
- President of EFIC, 2005-2008
- Past President of EFIC, 2008-2011
- Founding member of World Institute of Pain-WIP,1994
- General Secretary of WIP,1994-1999
- Vice President of WIP,1999-2002
- President Elect of WIP, 2005-2008
- President of WIP , 2008-2011
- Chair of Board of Examination – WIP, 2005-2008
- CEO of the World Institute of Pain Foundation 2009-2014
- Member of the World Health Organization Advisory Expert Panel on Drug Dependence.2007-2011,2011-2014,2014-2016
- Current Member of the Executive Board of World Institute of Pain
- Member of the Procacci Pain Foundation in Italy
- Trustee of Nopain Foundation in Malta
- Editor of Turkish Journal of Pain-cited in index medicus 1988-2012
- Awarded as the Young leader in medicine/Turkish Jaysees,1991for being the pioneer for Pain Medicine in Turkey
- Chyristal Seagulf award by the Highschool he graduated given to outstanding students
- Life Time Achievement Award,2012, Medical Chamber of Istanbul, for establishing Pain Medicine in Turkey
- Center of Excellence in Pain Practice Award for Comprehensive Multidisciplanary Pain Practice by World Institute of Pain in 2013
- Honorary Member of European Pain Federation
- Trail Brazzers award by World Insitute of Pain 2017
Invited Speaker on National and International Level
- Invited speaker in 170 lectures on international level
- Invited speaker in 200 lectures on national level
- Author of 25 books in Turkish
- Editor-co editor of 8 books in English
- Management of Pain A World Perspective I
Volume 1,2, P.Raj, S.Erdine, D.Niv, S.Raja - Proceedings of the 6th International Congress, Pain Clinic, Atlanta 15-20 April 1994, Copyright 1995. Monduzzi Press Italy
- Management of Pain A World Perspective II, Volume 1,2, S.Erdine, P.Raj,D.Niv
- Proceedings of the 7th International Pain Congress Istanbul, 1996. Monduzzi Press 1997 Italy
- Management of Pain A World Perspective III, J.De Vera,W.Parris, S.Erdine
- Proceedings of the 8th International Pain Congress Teneriffe, Spain,1998, Monduzzi Press
- Textbook of Regional Anesthesia, P.P.Raj,/ co /editor, S.Erdine, 2001,Blackwell Sciences, New York
- Radiological Imaging for Interventional Pain Techniques, P.Raj,L.Lou,S.Erdine,P.Staats, Churchill Livingstone, 2002
- Radiographic Imaging for Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management, P Raj, L.Lou, S.Erdine, PS Staats, SD Waldman, Churchill Livingstone, 2003
- Interventional Pain Management: Image Guided Procedures, Prithvi Raj, Leland Lou, Serdar Erdine, Peter Staats, Steven Waldman, Gabor Racz, Michael Hammer, David Niv, James Heavner, Saunders Elsevier, 2008.
- Pain Relieving Procedures,Step by Step Illustrated Guide,Serdar Erdine,Prithvi Raj, Wiley Blackwell,2012
- Author of 200 articles in international or national level mainly on interventional pain management.
Congresses he organized
- Organizer of 15 National Congresses on Pain Medicine in Turkey
- Organizer of World Congress of World Society of Pain Clinicians ,Istanbul,1996
- Organizer of the Annual Congress of European Society of Regional Anesthesia, Istanbul,1999
- Organizer of 3rd World Congress of World Institute of Pain, Istanbul,2001
- Organizer of the Pain in Europe V, triennial Congress of European Pain Federation , Istanbul,2006